On Jul 6, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

> Charles Lepple wrote:
>> I think someone just ran into a similar problem on #fink. Are we sure
>> that there is a way to upgrade the package lists from 0.9.0 to see  
>> the
>> new 0.27.15 that was added to current/?
> The following sequence works for me (apart from the previously found  
> selfupdate-cvs method):
> 1. Run the binary installer
> 2. fink scanpackages (or sudo apt-get update)
> 3. sudo apt-get install fink
> 4. fink selfupdate-rsync
> In point 3, "fink update fink" does not work. Not surprising,  
> because there is no new fink.info file yet.
> In both points 3 and 4, "fink selfupdate" does *not* work, it just  
> says that the latest point release is already installed and does not  
> give the choice to use selfupdate-rsync instead. This is the same  
> whether one does it before fink-0.27.15 is installed (point 3) or  
> afterwards (point 4). The latter looks like a bug in fink-0.27.15.

This is not actually a bug.  The 0.9.0 installer gives you a fink in  
which an update method has already been chosen: the "point" update  
method.  This is appropriate for anyone who wants to use fink in  
binary mode only -- for example, they may not wish to install XCode at  

One improvement which will appear in fink-0.27.16 will be a little  
message when you run "fink update" which mentions the possibility of  
changing update methods, and explains how to do it.

(By the way, I believe that "fink update" will run "fink scanpackages"  
for you; I'll be testing this to make sure it works, prior to  
releasing fink-0.27.16.)

There is a related bug, however: although we have long had a way to  
put updates of .deb files into the "update" section of the bindist,  
and although "fink scanpackages" makes the .deb files available, fink  
doesn't know about them since the corresponding .info files aren't  
there.  I will be addressing this in fink-0.27.16 by having "fink  
update" look for "dists-10.5-0.9.0-updates.tar.gz" even if the  
distribution hasn't changed (under the "point" update method).

Once fink-0.27.26 is released, there will be the further problem of  
getting this new fink into the hands of people who did binary  
installs, and I suspect for that purpose I will have to release  
distribution 0.9.0a.

   -- Dave

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