On Jun 3, 2009, at 9:33 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

> David Reiser wrote:
>> I noticed that message, but tetex-base installed fine for me on April
>> 29 this year when I had to build a new fink on a new machine. Two
>> dependencies that have changed since then are fontconfig2-dev and
>> freetype219. For the moment I'm discounting 10.5.7 and xquartz as the
>> trigger, since the error appears on 10.4.11 too.
> I confirmed for me that indeed the 5y limit is the cause: I reset the
> date to May, and the reinstallation of tetex-base worked. The 5y
> deadline seems to be around the 1st of June.

Yes, this indeed is the problem.

Martin's suggestion that we should all convert to texlive is the best  
one, of course, but it will take some time to implement that and make  
tetex completely obsolete.

In the meantime, I am updating the tetex-texmf package, putting a fake  
new date in latex.ltx and ltpatch.ltx, which should solve the problem  
for another five years.

  -- Dave

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