Dear Fink community:

Since my computer skills and diplomatic skills are both quite  
rudimentary (an assessment based on reality, not modesty),
I've been reluctant to say much (apart from accepting the blame for  
suggesting the latest scipy-core be updated, which
I based on some mistaken assumptions). Just as there are core members  
of fink, there are people like me who are very
peripheral in the sense that all of the packages I maintain are at  
most dependencies for other packages I maintain. So if
I mess something up, I am probably the only one who suffers the  
consequences (along with the end-users). This gives me
something of an "outsider's perspective."  Hence I hope you might  
permit me a few observations from that perspective (with
my full advanced acknowledgment of its limitations).


Like many end-users, I have been updating to the latest from  
Xquartz, not because I crave the bleeding edge,
but simply because I understood this to be the best way to have as few  
bugs in X11 as possible, and also because I (wrongly)
assumed that the latest (2.4.0) would be what came out with OS X  
10.6.  I got burned, and got into a typically unpleasant
discussion on the X11 mailing list.  The net result is I learned I  
should have stopped at or before X11, but more
importantly, that the X11 in /etc/X11 that came with 10.6 would remain  
untouched, except for Apple bug-fixes, and future
Xquartz releases would install elsewhere (presumably /opt/X11) to  
avoid clobbering the officially distributed Apple X11.

I think this is a Good Thing, assuming all fink packages work with the  
SL X11.  We should just assume it is there, and not
concern ourselves at all with what gets installed in /opt, or support  
it.  What the end-user does is out of our control, but
in principle there is no reason we would have to worry about this one  
way or the other, as long as we can rely on the
current contents of /etc/X11 being in place.

2. "Stable" vs. "Unstable"

I tell people to translate the word "unstable" as "current" when  they  
express shyness about using it.  With the SL upgrade, we have, at  
least initially, an inversion, where packages in Unstable may work  
when packages in Stable do not, or are obsolete, etc.

I wonder if it might be worth changing this demarcation to "Core" and  
"Peripheral" or some such designation, the main point being to have  
the talents and energy of the "core" fink team focused on the most  
important packages, and to keep people with limited abilities, like  
me, out.

2.1 Core branch
Put packages including all the core fink packages, gcc44, fftw, tcltk  
and friends, gtk+2, gnome libraries, python, guile, and all the other  
packages that tend to get built primarily as dependencies for other  
packages into this branch.  These are the ones that are by far the  
most critical for end-users, would be of the most use to have  
available as a stable, binary distribution that mainly got updated  
only for bug fixes, and would benefit the most from having the fink  
core maintainers maintaining them.  Then allow the core maintainers  
themselves to decide on whatever policy they think is best for keeping  
the core packages of fink up and running smoothly. Because maintaining  
these packages would be the highest priority, it would be best to  
focus the talents and energy of the best and most capable people on  
these packages to ensure they all work together to form a seamless  

2.2 Peripheral branch
Put packages that are of use to a subset of end-users (e.g.: my  
crystallography packages come to mind) here.  Mistakes in these  
packages are more easily tolerated, because they do not cripple the  
core infrastructure of fink, and so these can be entrusted to  
peripheral maintainers who possess more limited skills like me.   
Distributing these as binaries is a much less compelling concern.

To decide where a package goes, just ask what would happen if the  
package were to be deleted from fink.  If the answer is that the  
presence isn't critical, then assign it to the Peripheral branch.

3. Let's all take a deep breath

I had the good fortune to have a former Apple VP (who was responsible  
for much of Xcode) as a graduate student in a class last spring.  I  
asked him what it was like, and he described his erstwhile job as  
helping highly creative autistic people to have productive careers.  I  
know it is a bit of a stereotype, but computer people often aren't  
qualified to be Japanese diplomats, and it is also very hard for even  
the most socially adept individuals to infer intent from a pile of  
ascii text characters.  We all need to give each other the benefit of  
the doubt when interpreting each other's words and actions. We all  
want the same thing, after all: a viable, fully-functional and up-to- 
date fink.

Peace and joy,


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