Benjamin Reed wrote:
> Once we have automated builds of any kind, we can start promoting
> packages from unstable -> stable automatically or semi-automatically,
> because we'll really know how info files and the state of binaries map,
> and we can solicit and receive feedback on packages from end-users more
> easily.
> I intend to work on this as soon as I can, although right now is a bad
> time for me because of huge amounts of work commitments.  I hope to make
> the time anyways.  :)

That's great to hear.  One thing I'm wondering if would be possible to 
do as part of this semi-automation is a dependency engine that better 
knows what packages are available and is used to parse the output of 
'fink list'.  I wondered about this as drm did his 10.6/x86_64 trimming.

Currently, one of the more common errors that is reported is a missing 
dep because a package has a (versioned) dependency that is no longer in 
the database.  So if I maintain $user-package which requires $libs, I 
need to keep aware of its happenings, especially if I ever want to move 
it to stable.

For example, SDL originally failed to build on 10.6 and was marked as 
"10.4, 10.5".  This meant that any package that depended on SDL (which 
are many), then also had to be marked as "10.4, 10.5", otherwise, errors 
about missing dependencies would occur to people trying to install 
$sdl-dependent.  And when SDL was fixed, all those packages also had to 
be marked as available.  This takes a lot of manual effort, and could 
lead to errors because $sdl-dependent might have been marked as !10.6 
for other reasons, and an automated scanner/fixer would not know that.

But if 'fink list/install' knew about dependencies, it would not show 
non-restricted $sdl-dependent as available unless all of its 
dependencies down the tree were available.  So if SDL is restricted, 
SDL-net (and even deeper dependents) would not need to be marked as 
restricted.  'fink list wormux' (eg) would check the tree, see that 
wormux needs SDL-net, see that SDL-net depends on SDL and since SDL is 
restricted, it would not even list wormux (or SDL-net) in the list of 
available packages.

The big benefit of this system is that once SDL becomes unrestricted (or 
just available), SDL-net and wormux (assuming they work of course), 
would immediately become available to the end user without $maintainer 
having to do anything.  This would also help $maintainer deal with 
arch/dist combos to which s/he has no access for testing.  And finally 
$user would not get errors about missing dependencies.

I think the biggest impediment to this becoming reality is that the 
_entire_ dependency tree will then need to be stored somewhere after its 
creation by 'fink index', rather than a limited and specific subtree 
rooted on $user-package created and destroyed from scratch at every 
'fink install'.


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