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On 3/11/10 11:30 AM, Pranay Airan wrote:
> hello, 
> As you have suggested us to have a local copy of _structs.h, we have
> copied it in to /sw/cilkheader (which we have created) 

You've now got something that won't work on anybody else's machine but
yours, because we aren't going to make anybody create that themselves.

My recollection from earlier in this discussion was that cilk built
without doing this, but that when you compiled stuff using cilk you had
a problem.  Is this the case?

What we meant by "make a local copy" was to install the modified file
somewhere appropriate within the cilk package:

(%i is the install directory).  If you _do_ need to use the modified
_structs.h for building cilk itself, then see below.

and we have
> included the following lines in cilk.info <http://cilk.info> file
> SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/cilkheader

That's wrong for several reasons:

1) packages aren't supposed to build against versions of themselves that
are currently installed.
2) Fink doesn't support arbitrary directories within its tree; i.e.
/sw/clkheader shouldn't exist.  Since you created this by hand, Fink
didn't detect that this is bad.

If, as mentioned above, you need a modified _structs.h to build cilk,
then you'll want to create that within the cilk build directory and make
sure that the compiler uses that file rather than the system's.

> Now we could successfully run fink -m rebuild cilk and could install
> cilk in our mac machine.
> But after installation and creation of cilkc binary, now when we tried
> another cilk example, it was again referring to systems's _structs.h in
> /usr/include/mach/i386 folder.
> How to bypass this and make our cilkc binary to look in to our
> %p/cilkheader folder.

Does cilk have any environment variables that it uses to look for
headers and libraries in nonstandard locations (e.g. analogous to
CPPFLAGS)?  If so, then you can set those variables via RuntimeEnvVars.

> Also , we want to test our info file on power pc , but we do not have a
> power pc machine. Can anyone of you help us in this regard.
> We can mail you the info file.

I can test on PowerPC, but don't email me the file until you have
addressed the questions which I have raised above to my satisfaction,
and I give you the OK to do so.


- -- 
Alexander Hansen
Fink User Liaison
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