On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 01:37:10PM -0400, Daniel Johnson wrote:
> On Mar 30, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > On 3/30/10 3:25 AM, Michael Small wrote:
> >> Due to OS X 10.6.3 update libncurses was broken in /usr/lib.
> >> 
> >> Adding the following lines to the CompileScript fixes the issue.
> >> 
> >> export CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=%p/include
> >> export CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=%p/lib
> >> 
> >> Cheers,
> >> Michael
> >> 
> > 
> > It would be useful to see a transcript of the failure which you
> > experienced, so that we can make sure that it's reproducible.
> cmake is inappropriately linking to /usr/lib/libncurses.dylib even
> though it depends on libncurses5. The above change does indeed cause
> it to link to fink's ncurses. However, cmake still built fine on my
> 10.6.3 system with the system ncurses. Do you have an ncurses in
> /usr/local by any chance?

The problem is not a build failure. ccmake (which uses ncurses to
display a menu-like configuration interface) no longer works with the
arrow keys on the keyboard to edit the configuration.

Reverting the ncurses in /usr/lib to the 10.6.2 version fixes it, as
does linking to Fink's ncurses.



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