Am 30.11.2010 um 22:16 schrieb Dr. Damian Dimmich:

> Dear max,
> That is essentially what I was wondering - I don't think all the possible 
> deps are needed for wine. Ofcourse there may be use cases I am not aware of, 
> but wine is quite a unique package with a lot of possible deps because it is 
> designed to operate in many environments. I don't believe all of the possible 
> deps are warranted on osx, but I do understand the benefit of giving users 
> all the options for binary packages, which is why I suggested using 
> recommends for certain deps. 

Well, in this case, I don't think having arts, esound *and* jack gives the user 
any benefit. To the contrary, as my example tells.

So, I think it should be safe to drop esound and arts, and add --without-esd to 
the ConfigureParams. There seems to be no special switch to remove arts 
support, so I wonder if that was only an indirect dependency? Or maybe they 
dropped it from wine 1.3.3 ?

> Anyway, my two cents, I'm of course happy to adhere to finks packaging policy.
> Max:  iirc you could even do without jack as there used to be a coreaudio 
> driver for the mac. 

Indeed, I just checked the wine configure script, and that confirms there is 
native coreaudio support. So one could also drop the jack dependency and add
I tested a modified wine 1.3.3 package from CVS and that seemed to work fine. 
That version did not seem to have any gstreamer support, but I suppose that if 
newer versions have it, they also offer a --without-gstreamer option or so, 
which could be used to avoid adding that as a dependency.

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