On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 09:42:44AM +0100, Martin Costabel wrote:
> On 27/11/11 21:50, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> []
>> We should probably do an apple-gcc-4.2 package, then. It might even be
>> handy on 10.7.
> If it builds on 10.7, I am all for it.
> I have been trying to build the scribus package on Lion, without success:
> - With clang, it runs into a clang bug that was detected a year ago
> <http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/llvmbugs/2010-November/015821.html>
> and has been fixed in the clang sources some time ago, but is still  
> present in current xcode-4.2.1.

   Considering that llvm/clang 3.0 will be released shortly a better option
might be to BuildDepends on llvm30 once it is added to fink and use those
clang compilers.

> - With llvm-gcc42, the compiler goes into an infinite loop (100% cpu,  
> runs for hours without doing anything).
> (If anyone has the ear of an Apple employee, would you please box or  
> twist it violently, for giving us an operating system version whose  
> compilers have serious - and known - bugs)

Unfortunately, I really doubt we will see many fixes applied to
Apple's llvm-gcc. They have based it on an older llvm release which means 
any fixes will have to be backported (and their general concept is
to avoid non-essential fixes when clang works). Using llvm.org's
clang in these problem cases and pinging Apple to backport those
fixes to their current clang compiler is far more likely to be

> - With Fink's gcc-fsf-4.6, building fails already at the (cmake-)  
> configure stage, because cmake insists on placing a "-arch x86_64" flag  
> on the compiler line that makes gcc46 error out. And as usual with  
> cmake, it is impossible to find out where this flag comes from and how  
> to remove it.
> Why doesn't our gcc46 simply ignore the "-arch" flag instead of giving  
> an error?

File an upstream PR against FSF gcc if you want that enhancement. IMHO,
the compiler might as well error to provide a clear notice to the user
that their use of -arch won't be honored.

> These problems have also been detected by macports
> <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/30835>
> In that bug ticket, one finds the remark
> "gcc42 does not build for Lion. No viable workaround."
> I don't know if this means that their apple-gcc42 does not build on  
> Lion, or that scribus doesn't even build with that compiler either.

I'd rather avoid the apple-gcc42 approach if possible since Apple seems
unlikely to continue to provide fixes to their gcc-4.2 sources for later
Xcode releases. I can well imagine that that this will cause issues
later on. It would be far better to use clang from llvm30 if possible.
ps I have been doing regular builds of llvm 3.0 and its works well under
Lion. Also major progress has been made in allowing dragonegg to provide
full support for vectorization using -msse4 


> Note: This version of scribus builds OK on 10.5 and 10.6/pre-xcode-4.2.
> -- 
> Martin

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