great thanks for testing I'll be sure to add this patch to my dpkg/tar maybe 
someone could get the current versions?
Life begins and ends with chaos, live between the chaos!

On 2013-11-04, at 2:59 AM, Martin Costabel <> wrote:

> On 4/11/13 05:03, TheSin wrote:
>> Thought I'd post this here, this is the reply from the dpkg author that I 
>> have been trying to fix the u-a tests with.  I haven't had a chance to apply 
>> and test the patch or even look at it, but I hope to do so this week.
>> diff --git a/dpkg-deb/main.c b/dpkg-deb/main.c
>> index 28bcd7b..abfe336 100644
>> --- a/dpkg-deb/main.c
>> +++ b/dpkg-deb/main.c
>> @@ -216,6 +216,8 @@ int main(int argc, const char *const *argv) {
>>    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
>>    textdomain(PACKAGE);
>> +  gettext("");
>> +
>>    dpkg_set_progname(BACKEND);
>>    standard_startup();
>>    myopt(&argv, cmdinfos, printforhelp);
> This does indeed work (I guess that is what I meant when I wrote 
> "understanding what the precise mechanism of the crash is would
> require a deep understanding of CoreFoundation's innards" :-) ). I tested it 
> in dpkg and in tar (remember that these are two independent bugs, both need 
> fixing).
> For the current dpkg-1.10.21 in Fink, the insertion of gettext("") can be 
> done as is in include/dpkg.h ( that's where textdomain(PACKAGE) appears), or 
> in dpkg-deb.main.c after the line
>  standard_startup(&ejbuf, argc, &argv, NULL, 0, cmdinfos);
> The patch works also for tar, when it is applied in /src/tar.c.
> -- 
> Martin

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