I honestly believe we need to patch tar to have a fallback when they aren't 
set.  All this patching everywhere could easily be fixed if we fix tar instead. 
 Sadly I'm not well enough versed in C to do so but if someone could that would 
be super.
Life begins and ends with chaos, live between the chaos!

On 2013-10-29, at 9:05 AM, Martin Costabel <costa...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> On 28/10/13 23:17, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> On 10/28/13 2:58 PM, Martin Costabel wrote:
>>> I remember a discussion 2 months ago about dpkg producing en error
>>> tar: This does not look like a tar archive
>>> tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
>>> /sw/bin/dpkg-deb: subprocess tar returned error exit status 2
> []
>> There's something weird going on with dpkg/tar/gettext.
>> As an interim workaround, fink's calls to dpkg are wrapped setting
>> environment variables LANG="C" and LC_ALL="C".
> Indeed, 'env LANG=C dpkg' works correctly and does not produce the 
> errors, same as 'env LANG=en dpkg' or even 'env LANG=zh_HK.Big5HKSCS 
> dpkg'. I have to add that in my environment, LANG and LC_ALL are not set:
> costabel% locale
> The problem is in Fink's tar which does not work with compressed 
> archives if LANG is not set. I have not yet understood where exactly 
> hides the bug.
> -- 
> Martin
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