ChangeLog:    dpkg-deb: Use fd_fd_copy instead of stream_fd_copy

dpkg-deb/extract.c:    if (fd_fd_copy(arfd, p1[1], memberlen, &err) < 0)

need to check &err I think.
Life begins and ends with chaos, live between the chaos!

On 2013-10-31, at 12:03 PM, Martin Costabel <> wrote:

> On 29/10/13 16:31, TheSin wrote:
>> I honestly believe we need to patch tar to have a fallback when they aren't 
>> set.  All this patching everywhere could easily be fixed if we fix tar 
>> instead.  Sadly I'm not well enough versed in C to do so but if someone 
>> could that would be super.
> I think I found it. At least I have now fixed versions of dpkg and tar that 
> no longer crash as before.
> In fact, the crash of dpkg comes from a bug in dpkg that is independent of a 
> similar bug in tar. That is, if you only fix dpkg as described below, it will 
> work correctly even with the unfixed tar, but tar has its own crash that 
> happens when it is run with LANG unset.
> The fix is a one-line patch for dpkg that can be written as a perl pie:
>  perl -pi.bak -e 's| (_\(\"failed)| N$1|' dpkg-deb/extract.c
> or as a diff:
> --- dpkg-deb/extract.c~       2003-10-25 22:03:21.000000000 +0200
> +++ dpkg-deb/extract.c        2013-10-31 18:00:47.000000000 +0100
> @@ -247 +247 @@
> -      stream_fd_copy(ar, p1[1], memberlen, _("failed to write to pipe in 
> copy"));
> +      stream_fd_copy(ar, p1[1], memberlen, N_("failed to write to pipe in 
> copy"));
> (this is for Fink's dpkg-1.10.21; I don't know if the bug is still present in 
> the same form in new versions of dpkg).
> For tar, the corresponding perl script fixes 4 lines (it is possible that 
> only one of them is essential)
>  perl -pi.bak -e 's|_\(\"tar|N$&|g' src/system.c
> (Here the bug is still present in the new version 1.27).
> Explanation:
> The error appears when a child process (tar in the case of dpkg, gzip or 
> similar in the case of tar) is spawned via 'fork' and a string of the form 
> _("string") appears between 'fork' and 'exec' commands. This calls gettext 
> and hence libintl and the CoreFoundation framework. Calling frameworks 
> between 'fork' and 'exec' is not safe, see CAVEATS in `man fork`. If one 
> replaces '_("string")' by 'N_("string")', no gettext call is involved. One 
> could also just replace it by '"string"', which is the same thing.
> -- 
> Martin

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