On Fri, 3 May 2002, Ben Hines wrote:

> Are you sure the problem is the dev tools? What are your errors? It's
> much more likely to be a fink problem. For example xfree86 won't
> download currently because prdownloads is hosed.

Absolutely sure.  Builds with Dec tools, not with April tools.

> Very little changed in the gcc2 stuff. The main changes were to
> project builder.

The problem occurs when building the app bundle for XDarwin.  I don't know
if project builder is involved.

> If you must remove it, there is a perl script to do so:
> /Developer/Tools/uninstall-devtools.pl

Thanks Ben.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
325 Broadway                Web    : www.cdc.noaa.gov/~jsw
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Office : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-124


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