It depends on what you really are looking to do.  The problem with running
Linux on laptops is drivers.  It is perfectly possible (several of my
colleagues do exactly that), but it can be a challenge to get all of your
peripherals working properly unless you are Linux savy.  Be prepared to
install the kernel and X from CVS source if the laptop is new.  Every time
some new feature (like built-in 802.11 Ethernet) comes along, it takes the
Linux community some time to add driver support.  Stick with popular name
brand machines (do web research in advance) like IBM, Dell, HP.  Of course,
doing this means you pay "uncle Bill" for the privilege of not using windoze
on your laptop.  That ain't exactly free :-).  You can get some "unbranded"
laptops at places like that can be sold without software, but
I don't know what success anyone has had installing Debian on them.  There
may also be some small companies that specialize in RedHat laptops.  No
doubt, a RedHat laptop price would include a RedHat support license (again,
not entirely free).

The other alternative as you mention is OS X.  The OS isn't free, but unless
you go to mwave or someplace similar, neither are the brand-name laptops
with the hidden Bill tax.  With OS X you get a very stable kernel with
robust driver support, commercial software support for most major business
packages (including Office, Photoshop, etc.), and ever-growing support for
open-source packages with Fink.  iBooks are really nice rugged low end
laptops with competitive price/performance ratios.  A lot of low-end PC
laptops are shoddy.  The G4 PowerBooks (like I have) are just plain sexy
machines.  So, if you want to run free software, OS X is a good solution.


On 7/21/02 12:56 PM, "Curtis  Vaughan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to know what other users out there think about OS X.
> Reason.
> The thing is, the company I work at has, like most, long been Windows
> based.  It's about a year ago now that my vice president asked me about
> going Linux.  I was all for it and began the arduous journey of
> understanding Linux, primarily Debian.
> The main problem, however, has been the fact that most every employee in
> our company needs to have a laptop.  You can't really buy new laptops
> with a Linux system installed, and I don't trust used computers.  So,
> since the beginning of the year I have already had to purchase 4
> laptops, each with Windows installed.
> Low and behold, OS X is out and Unix based. So, I made the argument that
> this time we should buy an OS X based laptop instead of Windows, if our
> goal is to moved towards Linux.  The VP agreed.
> Problems.
> OS X is not really that close to what I've been trying to steer our
> organization toward - i.e., Debian Linux.  However, I have just begun
> looking into what I'll call the Fink project, which could bring me back
> to something more familiar.
> OS X is not a free OS like Linux.  Your still stuck in the pay for
> licenses situation. Something we were trying to get away from.
> So, I have a few more days to play around with OS X before I have my
> last opportunity to return the computer for a refund and I am wondering
> what other people more used to OS X would advise.
> Thanks,
> Curtis
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