On Monday, September 2, 2002, at 07:06  PM, Fernando Pereira wrote:

> 2. If you still want to update under 10.2, read the extensive 
> discussion of
> how to go about it in the fink-users archive. It may work for you, as 
> it did
> for me, but you may want to wait unless you are comfortable with Unix
> innards.

Thanks for your quick reply, although I honestly can't tell whether 
your reply is an effort at one-upsmanship or a observation that fink is 
not-ready-for-prime-time on MacOS 10.2.  I've used and administered 
SunOS and Solaris systems for 14+ years, and used to think I was -- to 
use your language -- comfortable with `Unix innards.'  But I confess 
that I don't understand the workings of fink, and hence don't know what 
to do when fink breaks in the middle of an update-all command.  If it 
were Solaris, I'd be compiling one package at a time, I could trace the 
dependencies, and fix responses like those I quoted from an effort to 
update fink.  Fink seems tightly constructed -- which is no doubt an 
advantage for those who just want to click and see their system 
updated.  But that tight construction makes it all but impenetrable for 
an outsider -- especially a MacOS newbie who comes from a Unix-only 

I realize that 10.2 is new.  If you, or anyone else in the group, has a 
concrete suggestion of how to get fink to update itself under MacOS 
10.2, I'd welcome it, and would be willing to contribute to debugging 
the scheme.

Ronald Florence                 www.18james.com

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