I agree we could use a binary unstable distribution like Debian.  Any chance
we could merge back with Debian and leverage their auto-build and mirror
mechanisms?  They have a few fledgling efforts on their web page for other
kernels (GNU Hurd, FreeBSD, NetBSD).  It would eliminate the periodic build
errors when maintainer X moves his tarball.

One thing that can help is to use ccache (available in unstable tree).  It
caches .o files based on MD5SUM of preprocessor output.  It won't help the
first time you run it, but my performance appears to be steadily increasing.

[tinman:~] bschott% ccache -s
cache hit                           4208
cache miss                         11503
called for link                     1018
multiple source files                 80
compile failed                       385
ccache internal error                  7
preprocessor error                    43
not a C/C++ file                     587
autoconf compile/link               5780
unsupported compiler option            6
no input file                        320
files in cache                     23006
cache size                         291.8 Mbytes
[tinman:~] bschott%

On 9/17/02 9:12 PM, "Rogério Brito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sep 17 2002, NDPTAL85 wrote:
>> On Tuesday, September 17, 2002, at 07:36  PM, Martin Costabel wrote:
>>> Seems to be there now (in the 10.2 tree).
>> I'm still on 10.1.5 for the forseable future. Will there be one for
>> 10.1.5 too?
> As I'm still going to use 10.1.5 for the foreseeable future
> too and compiling packages in my iBook with little memory is
> quite demanding, I am interested to know what the future plans
> of the Fink project are.
> For instance, when will a next binary release be available? No
> exact dates are needed, of course -- just a rough idea is
> enough.
> Will the next (binary) version of Fink be meant to be run on
> MacOS X 10.1 or is the focus changing to Jaguar?
> Also, are there plans on establishing a security update
> infra-structure for the stable release, like what Debian does?
> (Perhaps via a "new" distribution, available via apt).
> I ask this last question because I see that some programs
> available in the binary distribution have security problems
> and updates for them would be necessary.
> Thanks for any help, Roger...
> P.S.: I sincerely hope that new binary packages are generated. This
> would cut a lot of the traffic we see on this mailing list of people
> trying to use Fink's unstable distribution.

Brian Schott, Project Leader             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
USC Information Sciences Institute            ph:703-812-3722
3811 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 200           fx:703-812-3712
Arlington, VA 22203

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