On Sep 19 2002, Max Horn wrote:
> Sorry but I have to correct this: we can not "merge back" with
> debian, as we never "split off" of debian. Fink is a completly
> independant project. We only happen to use the same lower level
> tools (dpkg/apt). Otherwise we are completly unrelated.

        Please forgive my ignorant question, but why exactly does the
        Fink project uses the fink program for part of the package
        management and apt for the other part? Why couldn't "apt-get
        source" be used like in Debian?

        As you can see from my question, I am relatively experienced
        with Debian (have made some packages of my own), but am still
        learning about fink.

        To be honest, the way things are explained in the
        documentation of the project left me with many questions like
        "is fink actually two distributions, one source based and
        another with binary packages?"

        As a newcomer to the project, I see that most of the problems
        that people seem to have with fink is during the phase of
        building packages. :-(

        If the limitation is space/hosting, perhaps the project could
        negotiate with some partner to see if they would want to host
        the Fink project...

        It would certainly make things easier for people and would
        change the nature of the discussions held on the mailing
        lists, IMHO.

        Ok. I'll stop now and see what the opinion of those running
        the project is before I continue with the comments.

        []s, Roger...

 Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito

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