On Oct 26, 2003, at 11:03 AM, Gavin Sherlock wrote:
Failed: compiling emacs21-21.2-26 failed

Ahah, now I see what may be the problem. You are not using the latest package definitions. The version I installed is is 21.3.1. Have you enabled unstable in your fink.conf?

-- F

$ more /sw/etc/fink.conf
# Fink configuration, initially created by bootstrap.pl
Basepath: /sw
RootMethod: sudo
Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto local/bootstrap unstable/main unstable/crypto
Mirror-gimp: ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub
Mirror-gnome: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/
Mirror-gnu: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu
MirrorContinent: nam
MirrorCountry: nam-us
ProxyPassiveFTP: true
Verbose: false
Distribution: 10.3
SelfUpdateMethod: rsync

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