James McKenzie wrote:


>> I looked at the directory tree created by the script, and found that 
>> /sw/src/fink.build/cernlib2005-gfortran-2005-2012/2005/src/cernlib/patchy
>> does not exist, but
>> /sw/src/fink.build/cernlib2005-gfortran-2005-2012/2005/src/patchy
>> does.  However, it has no 4.15 subdirectory, much less 4.15/bin,
>> so I conclude that  #fink apropos patchy   is lying to me when it
>> claims that patchy4-gfortran 4.15-2 is installed, or else it does
>> not put its results where the cernlib build expects to find them.
>> This is getting depressing.  I would really rather not clear out
>> fink to make more room for Linux under Parallels, since (like all
>> emulators) the latter has lousy keyboard and mouse handling, but
>> that's starting to look like my only option.
>> Cheers -- Jess
>> PS: the whole install record (from where the trouble starts) is at
>> http://musr.ca/~jess/misc/fink-cernlib-errors.txt
>> if you want to peek; but I think the essential problem is above.
> One thing that you might want to look into is which cp you are using.  I 
> found, by accident, that the fileutils cp is broken on Leopard, but 
> works on Tiger.
> You will need to switch to the cp included in coreutils-default.
> James McKenzie

Thanks, James, I installed coreutils-default and tried again.  No
difference.  In desperation, I tried doing it "by hand":
# cd /sw/src/fink.build/cernlib2005-gfortran-2005-2012/2005/src/
# make   [This seemed to be successful!]
Then I tracked down packlib.* etc. (no thanks to any messages
offered by fink about where it was putting anything!) and tried
building something with it.  That was when I started getting
error messages related to pgplot.  I can't stand it any more
right now; this is like the bad old days of Linux, when getting
anything to work was a long, frustrating process.  -- Jess

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