On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 02:02:46PM -0400, Jack Howarth wrote:
> It looks like somehow the removal of the gcc43 package didn't
> occur when you tried to build gcc44. The following...
> Conflicts: gcc4, gcc42, gcc44, gcc45
> Replaces: gcc4, gcc42, gcc44, gcc45
> has always been sufficient to cause the other conflicting
> gcc4X packages to be removed during the build of a specific
> gcc4X package. I haven't seen this myself. Hopefully fink
> hasn't been changed to require an explicit BuildConflicts
> as well.

Fink has never acted as "foo:Conflicts:bar means remove bar before
building foo". Conflicts and Depends are not perfectly symmetric (and
nothing has changed in many years in the effect of either of them).


Daniel Macks

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