On Sat, 19 Jun 2010, Alexander Hansen wrote:

> See /sw/share/doc/bash/README.Fink for configuration advice.
> ...
> Check that out and see if it has information on how to make it your
> default.

The file header reads:

This installation of bash has been set up to use an init system similar
to the tcsh installed by OS X.

In order to use this configuration:

         echo "source ~/.bashrc"                  > ~/.bash_profile
         echo "source /sw/share/init/bash/rc"     > ~/.bashrc
         echo "source /sw/bin/init.sh"            >> ~/.bashrc

here I am not sure whether one has to copy the exact line into the command 
line, i.e. actually pipe the echo commands into ~/.bash_profile (does not 
exist yet), and ~/.bashrc, or to input the echo commands into those files 
(i.e. without overwriting the rest)?

Actually, .bashrc is already being sourced on my system, which begins with 
a line

test -r /sw/bin/init.sh && . /sw/bin/init.sh

but not the actual source command. After manually sourcing these in a 
shell the "bash-3.2" has been replaced by something like [xdsl-somenumber] 
(and probably to something else when I'm offline), but the behaviour 
doesn't change.

I can also manually type "bash" (which refers to /sw/bin/bash), giving me 
a "bash.4.0". However, the missing command(s) are not yet available.

What else is necessary to get the missing commands like seq? Or are there, 
besides the naked version numbers, also different "flavours" of bash, some 
providing other sets of commands (of commands with different options) than 

Sorry that I am not born with expert knowledge and thus bothering the 
list with such questions, but I am honestly confused now...

Best wishes,

Ingo Thies
Argelander-Institut fuer Astronomie (AIfA)
Sternwarte, University of Bonn
Auf dem Huegel 71, D-53121 Bonn, Germany
Tel : +49 (0)228 73-3659
Mail: ith...@astro.uni-bonn.de

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