On 06 Oct 2011, at 15:14, Alexander Hansen wrote:

> On 10/6/11 5:36 AM, Don Paul wrote:
>> bin/INSTALL_LOG/ERROR.LOG tar cf error_UNKNOWNx8632SSE3.tar
>> Make.inc bin/INSTALL_LOG/* gzip --best error_UNKNOWNx8632SSE3.tar
>> mv error_UNKNOWNx8632SSE3.tar.gz error_UNKNOWNx8632SSE3.tgz Error
>> report error_<ARCH>.tgz has been created in your top-level ATLAS
>> directory.  Be sure to include this file in any help request
>> ....
> That's a problem with atlas.  The fact that you want octave is  
> immaterial.
> Try using "fink configure" and choose to use a single processor.  Then
> please post back regardless of whether you're successful or not:  if
> you're successful we'll want to mark atlas as being for single build
> threads only, and if not we'll dig further into the issue.

Also, if unsuccessfull, please include in your post the configuration  
atlas should recognize correctly your machine (10.6, i386), and I  
would have
expected the above name "UNKNOWNx8632SSE3" to be something like  
Thus _ post from the line starting with
to that starting with
"Architecture configured as .."

Also, in case your machine is some i386 of a new type, unknown to  
Atlas (or to me),
post the output of
# sysctl -A 2>/dev/null|fgrep machdep.cpu.brand_string

JF Mertens

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