On 12 Oct 2011, at 15:23, Alexander Hansen wrote:

> We're probably due for a newer upstream version of ATLAS, anyway,
> since it's more likely to support newer hardware (and Lion).

In the unstable series, one is now at 3.9.52.
I didn't want to put the unstable series into fink, but now that
someone did, we are stuck with it till next stable (3.10 .. or: 4.0 ..).
I don't think it is worthwhile to update within the unstable series,
so the only alternative would be to downgrade to the latest stable,  

JF Mertens

PS: Don _ as to the specific problem here, a bus error is hard to  
Especially here, as you're showing no line whatsoever before that bus  
e.g., whether the command "./xcpscsrch -p d" was already executed or not
(from the target dinstall_cpsc in bld/tune/blas/level1/Makefile in my  
builddir (3.9.41)).

I can only presume that the bus error is one in "make" itself,
and possibly suggest that you re-try with a different "make"
(install fink's make if it was not, and vice-versa).

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