On 14/02/13 17:57, Alexander Hansen wrote:
> On 2/14/13 7:24 AM, Jack Howarth wrote:
>> Thomas,
>>     I am seeing the same failure with undefined symbols on fink 10.6 under 
>> Xcode 4.2. I believe you
>> need to add the following change which eliminates the linkage failures here.

I do not believe you when you say you had the same error as the one 
reported here by Fabio Diaolio and you fixed it as you claim you did. I 
does not make sense.

The macports bugreport is different, it is in fact the opposite of what 
has been reported here. Look closely at the missing symbols. They are 
not the same.

In their case, there was in fact a -L%p/lib missing on the link line. In 
our case, this is not missing, and the error message indicates indeed 
that the linker picked up Fink's libiconv.dylib (which has 
_libiconv_open) and not /usr/lib/libiconv.dylib (which has _iconv_open).

In our case, the problem was not at the linker stage, but at the 
compilation stage, where a wrong iconv.h was picked up.

>> This hack has been used by MacPorts for the last three years to eliminate 
>> the same problem
>> with libiconv symbols.
>> https://trac.macports.org/changeset/57665/trunk/dports/textproc/doxygen/Portfile
>> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/20415

Not the same.

>> Thanks in advance for fixing this.
>>              Jack
> Seems like a good idea to me.  I've added this with a slightly different
> implementation.  I also didn't do a rev-up because even without this
> change doxygen built for me and linked to Fink's libiconv.

Pure voodoo. It is inoffensive (a no-op), so if it contributes to 
someone's peace of mind, leave it there.



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