On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:23:24PM +0100, Martin Costabel wrote:
> On 14/02/13 17:57, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> On 2/14/13 7:24 AM, Jack Howarth wrote:
>>> Thomas,
>>>     I am seeing the same failure with undefined symbols on fink 10.6 under 
>>> Xcode 4.2. I believe you
>>> need to add the following change which eliminates the linkage failures here.
> I do not believe you when you say you had the same error as the one  
> reported here by Fabio Diaolio and you fixed it as you claim you did. I  
> does not make sense.
> The macports bugreport is different, it is in fact the opposite of what  
> has been reported here. Look closely at the missing symbols. They are  
> not the same.
> In their case, there was in fact a -L%p/lib missing on the link line. In  
> our case, this is not missing, and the error message indicates indeed  
> that the linker picked up Fink's libiconv.dylib (which has  
> _libiconv_open) and not /usr/lib/libiconv.dylib (which has _iconv_open).
> In our case, the problem was not at the linker stage, but at the  
> compilation stage, where a wrong iconv.h was picked up.
> []
>>> This hack has been used by MacPorts for the last three years to eliminate 
>>> the same problem
>>> with libiconv symbols.
>>> https://trac.macports.org/changeset/57665/trunk/dports/textproc/doxygen/Portfile
>>> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/20415
> Not the same.
>>> Thanks in advance for fixing this.
>>>              Jack
>> Seems like a good idea to me.  I've added this with a slightly different
>> implementation.  I also didn't do a rev-up because even without this
>> change doxygen built for me and linked to Fink's libiconv.
> Pure voodoo. It is inoffensive (a no-op), so if it contributes to  
> someone's peace of mind, leave it there.

   I suspect the need for this hack might just be broken linkers on some 
Xcodes. Without
the MacPorts' hack, I had to resort to removing -Wl,-search_paths_first from 
This is equally bizarre since according to the ld manpage in Xcode 4.2 Build 

                 This is now the default (in Xcode4 tools).  When processing 
-lx the linker now searches each directory in its
                 library search paths for `libx.dylib' then `libx.a' before the 
moving on to the next path in the library search

this is already the default so adding it should be a no-op and removing it 
should have no effect on the linker.

> -- 
> Martin

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