On Jan 19, 2007, at 10:51 PM, Matt Koch wrote:

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Hi Jonathan,

I have to deal with both a cylinder and a sheet geometry. I think in order for me to make progress, I'll switch from cylinder to sheet, which should be doable in rectangular coordinates without too much fuss. That way, I can focus on what really matters, i.e. implementing level set Stefan problems in solidification (EFG). I'll start messing with that now. I am sure there'll be plenty of questions as I get into this. If I can solve it suceesfully, though, it'll give me the confidence that it is worth tackling the cylinder coordinates in 3D later on. Thanks again for your help thus far - I am sure we'll pick up on this again after some success with the rectangular coordinates.

Note that the level set algorithms are only implemented in 1D and 2D as yet.

Daniel Wheeler

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