Dear FiPy users and developers,

could you help me with how to implement a thermal contact, hc
[W/(m^2.K)], between two regions : so there is like a discontinuity in
the temperature between the two regions.

In some cases I could implement it as a thin layer, dx [m], with a given
thermal diffusion coefficient, lambda [W/(m.K)], such that hc =

However in some cases this distords the geometry somewhat and moreover
the results seem to depend rather strongly on the details of the mesh.
So, I was wondering if that contact could be included somehow in a sort
of BC.

In the example below I have a thermal contact of hc = 1 kW/(m^2.K)
between two slabs (of length L/2) of good thermal conductors K = 200
W/(m.K). On side is held to 0 C while on the other side a power flux Ps
= 1 kW/m^2 is applied.

The temperature jump theoretically should be Ps/hc = 1 K (deg C) for
stationary conditions.

I made a little table of the temperature jump estimated with FiPy vs.
the meshing size (cellSize) and the width, dx, of the layer that
simulates the thermal contact, hc.

|            |            |         delta T         |
| cellSize/L |     dx/L   |                         |
|            |            |    FiPy    |   Theory   |
|    0.01000 |    0.01000 |    1.05961 |    1.00000 |
|    0.00500 |    0.01000 |    0.63490 |    1.00000 |
|    0.00500 |    0.00500 |    1.06939 |    1.00000 |
|    0.01000 |    0.00500 |    1.37685 |    1.00000 |

test FiPy

import fipy as fp, numpy as np, pylab as pl

# geometry parameters

L = 1.              # lenght of the slab
W = 0.4             # width of the slab
dx = 0.005 * L       # thickness of the thermal layer

cellSize = 0.01 * L # cellSize function of problem

# define the geometry

geo = """
        cellSize = %(cellSize)g;
        L        = %(L)g;
        W        = %(W)g;
        dx       = %(dx)g;

        //          7           6          5
        //    8 <-------- 7 <------ 6 <-------- 5
        //    |           ^         |           ^
        //    | Region 1  | thermal | Region 2  |
        //  8 |           | contact |           | 4
        //    |        10 |         | 11        |
        //    v           |         v           |
        //    1 --------> 2 ------> 3 --------> 4
        //          1          2          3
        Point(1) = {- L/2, 0, 0, cellSize};
        Point(2) = {-dx/2, 0, 0, cellSize};  Line(1) = {1,2};
        Point(3) = { dx/2, 0, 0, cellSize};  Line(2) = {2,3};
        Point(4) = {  L/2, 0, 0, cellSize};  Line(3) = {3,4};
        Point(5) = {  L/2, W, 0, cellSize};  Line(4) = {4,5};
        Point(6) = { dx/2, W, 0, cellSize};  Line(5) = {5,6};
        Point(7) = {-dx/2, W, 0, cellSize};  Line(6) = {6,7};
        Point(8) = { -L/2, W, 0, cellSize};  Line(7) = {7,8};
                                             Line(8) = {8,1};

                                             Line(10) = {2,7};
                                             Line(11) = {6,3};
        Line Loop(1) = {1,10,7,8};
        Line Loop(2) = {3,4,5,11};
        Line Loop(3) = {2,-11,6,-10};

        Plane Surface(1) = {1};
        Plane Surface(2) = {2};
        Plane Surface(3) = {3};
        Physical Surface('Region 1')        = {1};
        Physical Surface('Region 2')        = {2};
        Physical Surface('thermal contact') = {3};

        Physical Line('Boundary 1')         = {8};
        Physical Line('Boundary 2')         = {4};
        Physical Line('No transfer bottom') = {1,2,3};
        Physical Line('No transfer top')    = {5,6,7};

        Physical Line('common 1')           = {10};
        Physical Line('common 2')           = {11};
      """ % locals()

# produce the mesh

mesh = fp.Gmsh2D(geo)

# physics parameters

# we want a thermal contact with a value of hc = 1E4 :
# so the equivalent thermal conduction in the region of the
# thermal contact which is dx wide should be Kc = hc * dx

hc = 1E3      # [W/(m^2.K)] thermal contact conductance
Kc = hc * dx  # [W/(m.K) thermal conduction of the material representing
the contact

K1 = 200.      # [W/(m.K) thermal conduction in region 1
K2 = 200.      # [W/(m.K) thermal conduction in region 2

# define the thermal conduction over the mesh
K = fp.CellVariable(name='Conductance', mesh = mesh, value = 0.)
K.setValue(K1, where = mesh.physicalCells['Region 1'])
K.setValue(K2, where = mesh.physicalCells['Region 2'])
K.setValue(Kc, where = mesh.physicalCells['thermal contact'])

# define the variable T and boundary conditions

T = fp.CellVariable(name='Temperature', mesh = mesh, value = 0.)

# fixed temperature for boundary 1
T.constrain(0., where = mesh.physicalFaces['Boundary 1'])

# 1 kW/m^2 on boundary 2
Ps = 1E3
T.getFaceGrad().constrain(Ps/K2 * mesh._faceNormals, 
              where=mesh.physicalFaces['Boundary 2'])

# no heat exchange with the sides
T.getFaceGrad().constrain(0. * mesh._faceNormals,
              where=mesh.physicalFaces['No transfer top'])
T.getFaceGrad().constrain(0. * mesh._faceNormals,
               where=mesh.physicalFaces['No transfer bottom'])

# solve the heat diffusion equation 

# plot the results

X, Y = mesh.faceCenters()
Ts = T.arithmeticFaceValue()

faces = mesh.physicalFaces['No transfer bottom']
for x, t in [(x,t) for x, t, face in zip(X, Ts, faces) if face ] :
    pl.plot(x, t, 'r.')
pl.xlabel('length along the bottom side [m]')
pl.ylabel('temperature [C]')

faces = mesh.physicalFaces['common 1']
n1, avg1 = 0, 0.
for y, t in [(y,t) for y, t, face in zip(Y, Ts, faces) if face ] :
    pl.plot(y, t, 'r.')
    n1 += 1
    avg1 += t
avg1 /= n1
pl.axhline(avg1, color='r', linestyle=':')

faces = mesh.physicalFaces['common 2']
n2, avg2 = 0, 0.
for y, t in [(y,t) for y, t, face in zip(Y, Ts, faces) if face ] :
    pl.plot(y, t, 'b.')
    n2 += 1
    avg2 += t
avg2 /= n2
pl.axhline(avg2, color='b', linestyle=':')

pl.xlabel('length along the contact side 1 (red) and 2 (blue) [m]')
pl.ylabel('temperature [C]')

print '+------------+------------+-------------------------+'
print '|            |            |         delta T         |'
print '| cellSize/L |     dx/L   |                         |'
print '|            |            |    FiPy    |   Theory   |'
print '+------------+------------+------------+------------+'
print ('| %10.5f | %10.5f | %10.5f | %10.5f |'%
       (cellSize/L, dx/L, avg2 - avg1, Ps/hc))
print '+------------+------------+------------+------------+'

Many thanks.

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