On May 16, 2013, at 1:23 PM, Daniel Wheeler <daniel.wheel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I believe the correct diffusion coefficient across the face that approximates 
> a thin layer is
>    D = Kc * (1 / (epsilon + (1 - epsilon) * D_ratio))
> where
>    D_ratio = Kc / 2 * (1 / K1 + 1 / K2)
> and 
>    epsilon = dx / cellSize

Daniel and I talked about this and it's not quite right. I rederived it, 
considering the possibility of different cell sizes on either side of the 
boundary (which doesn't change much in the long run). What I get is that:

Keff = Kcontact * Kavg / (Kavg + Kcontact * (1 - dx / cellSize))


Kcontact = hc * cellSize


Kavg = K1 * K2 * cellSize / (K1 * dAP2 + K2 * dAP1)

is the harmonic mean of K (dAP1 and dAP2 are the distances from the respective 
cell centers to the face center.

In FiPy, I would write

Kcontact = hc * mesh._cellDistances
Kavg = Kcell.harmonicFaceValue
K.setValue(Kcontact * Kavg / (Kavg + Kcontact * (1 - dx / 
mesh._cellDistances)), where=mesh.physicalFaces['thermal contact'])

For most values of dx, this reduces to hc * mesh._cellDistances, although if hc 
* mesh._cellDistances is much larger than Kavg, then Keff starts to look like 
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