I got it. Thanks a lot, Richard. This is cool!

Best regards,

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Richard Gillilan <r...@cornell.edu> wrote:

> TSVViewer is not really a viewer in the usual sense. It's purpose is
> evidently to write out files. (p 440 in the FiPy manual, release 3.0)
> Here is a snippet of code from my main FiPy application. If rec  = True,
> then it writes out the solution variable (phi) every "skip" timesteps:
> # generate output
> tviewer = TSVViewer(vars=phi)
> for step in range(steps):
>     print '%4.3f min' % (step*timeStepDuration*60)
>     eq.solve(var=phi,dt=timeStepDuration)
>     if rec:
>         fname = "%s%03d"%(fnme,step)
>         if (step%skip == 0): tviewer.plot(filename=fname)
>     if __name__ == '__main__':
>         viewer.plot()
> -------------
> Here is the python code (simplified) that I use to read the output files
> generated by TSVViewer. Note: this is a time series of a 2D simulation:
> import numpy as np
> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
> nx = 200  # length
> ny = 50  # depth
> skip = 25
> time = np.arange(0,1975,skip)
> for i in time:
>     fname = "fast200_%03d" % i
>     print fname
>     x,y,z = np.loadtxt(fname,skiprows=2,unpack=True)
>     phi = np.reshape(z,(-1,nx))
> # phi is a 2D array you can manipulate and plot.
> --------------
> Richard
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