Meshes with holes are not a problem for FiPy. Daniel will be happy to help you 
create a Mesh2D from the output of the triangle package. Basically, you need a 
list of vertex coordinates, a list of vertex IDs that make up faces, and a list 
of faces that make up cells. Having all triangles should be pretty easy; it 
gets messy when you've got mixes of different cell topologies.

> On Jun 8, 2016, at 10:57 AM, James Pringle <> wrote:
> Thank you; the axes were indeed in grid spacing, and your back of the 
> envelope calculation of sparsity was exactly correct. 
> I am now playing around with the python triangle package to create a 
> triangular mesh with the appropriate holes and boundary defined. (e.g. 
> ) . 
> What is the best way to covert the triangle data (similar in form to 
> scipy.spatial.Delaunay output) into the form fipy likes -- or what is the 
> best documentation of the fipy mesh data structure?
> Does FiPy have the capability to deal with holes in a triangle mesh, and have 
> BC's on them? I did see the trick that Danial Wheeler mentioned. Thanks!
> After I get the mesh, I was planing to reverse engineer the output of 
> fipy.meshes.gmshMesh.Gmsh2D to figure out how to get my mesh into fipy if you 
> don't mention something better. 
> Thanks a bunch,
> Jamie
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) 
> <> wrote:
> If the domain were not so large and so sparse, I'd be inclined to create a 
> simple, rectilinear Grid2D of the full extent and then use known coefficients 
> to mask out (set B to zero?) the solution where you don't know/care.
> Assuming the axes are labeled in grid spacings (?), then your mesh would have 
> around 5 million elements in it, with fewer than 1 million actually being 
> solved (although it looks like even less than 20% of the domain is active). I 
> don't think that would perform very well.
> I'm not thinking of anything clever with Gmsh off the top of my head.
> You could break the total domain into sub-grids, only instantiate the 
> corresponding Grid2D's if they're not empty, and then concatenate them 
> together. Sketching:
>     A     B     C     D
>  +-----+-----+-----+-----+
> 1|     | **  |     |     |
>  |     |  ** |     |     |
>  +-----+-----+-----+-----+
> 2|     |    *|**   |     |
>  |     |     |* *  |     |
>  +-----+-----+-----+-----+
> 3|     |     | *** |     |
>  |     |     |  ***|     |
>  +-----+-----+-----+-----+
> 4|     |     |   **|*    |
>  |     |     |    *| *   |
>  +-----+-----+-----+-----+
> mesh = gridB1 + gridB2 + gridC2 + gridC3 + gridC4 + gridD4
> > On Jun 7, 2016, at 10:46 AM, James Pringle <> wrote:
> >
> > Dear mailing list & developers --
> >
> >     I am looking for hints on the best way to proceed in creating a 
> > grid/mesh for a rather complex geometry. I am just looking for which method 
> > (Gmsh or something else?) to start with, so I can most efficiently start 
> > coding without exploring blind alleys.
> >
> > I am solving an elliptic/advective problem of the form
> >
> >         0=J(Psi,A(x,y)) + \Del(B(x,y)*\Del Psi)
> >
> > where Psi is the variable to solve for, and A(x,y) and B(x,y) are 
> > coefficients known on a set of discrete points shown as black in 
> >
> >   . The black appears solid because the grid is dense.
> >
> > The locations of the points where the coefficients are known define the 
> > grid. The number of points is large (911130 points) and they are evenly 
> > spaced where they exist. Note that there are holes in the domain that 
> > represent actual islands in the ocean.
> >
> > I am happy to keep the resolution of the grid/mesh equal to the spacing of 
> > the points where the coefficients are known.
> >
> > What is the best way to approach creating a grid for this problem? I would 
> > love code, of course, but would be very happy with suggestions of the best 
> > way to start.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Jamie Pringle
> > University of New Hampshire
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