*D.C. v. Heller: The Court's Liberal Wing Shoots Itself In The Foot
*By David T. Hardy
July 15, 2008

/District of Columbia v. Heller/ was historic, the first Supreme Court 
decision to clearly hold that the Second Amendment right to arms was an 
individual one not linked to militia service. But it was historic for 
another reason: the sheer number of mistakes made in the dissenters' 
opinions. Given that all four dissenters co-signed the Stevens and 
Breyer dissenting opinions, this means that the mistakes must have 
escaped, not only four members of the highest court in the land, but 
their sixteen research clerks!

Case in point: Justice Stevens' dissent claims that he holds true to the 
Court's earlier, 1939, decision in /United States v. Miller/, which he 
says involved "upholding a conviction." Even a quick read of /Miller/ 
shows that the Court reversed, rather than upheld, and there was no 
conviction involved. The first paragraph of Miller recites that the 
lower court "quashed the indictment" against him -- dismissed the case 
before trial. Miller's last paragraph orders "the challenged judgment 
must be reversed."

Second illustration: In discussing the militia, Stevens cites a 1990 
Supreme Court decision, /Perpich v. Dodd/, and says it states "In 1901 
the President revitalized the militia by creating the 'National Guard of 
the several States...'"

In /Perpich/, the Court actually said that President Teddy Roosevelt in 
1901 called for revitalizing the militia, but it was Congress, not the 
President, that created the federal Guard... in 1903.

Stevens then turns to his central theme: "The Second Amendment was 
adopted to protect the right of the people of each of the several States 
to maintain a well-regulated militia."

Stevens adopts D.C.'s line. He argues that certain Americans were 
concerned that Congress had exclusive power over organized and arming 
the militia, but it might not enact a law requiring militiamen to be 
armed, and this would "disarm" the militia system unless the States had 
the power to do so: "It [the Second Amendment] was a response to 
concerns raised during the ratification of the Constitution that the 
power of Congress to disarm the state militias and create a national 
standing army posed an intolerable threat to the sovereignty of the 
several States."

Justice Stevens' theory is astonishing. This had been D.C.'s original 
theory of purpose. But it had been so thoroughly demolished by amicus 
briefs that D.C. abandoned it in its last briefing. The amicus briefs 
for Heller's side had proven:

    1. Yes, there were Framers concerned about the militia being left
    unarmed, but they weren't pushing for what became the Second
    Amendment. They wanted a different and additional guarantee that
    "each state respectively shall have the power to provide for
    organizing, arming, and disciplining its own militia, whensoever
    Congress shall omit or neglect to provide for the same."

    2. That additional guarantee (in the above words) was put into the
    Virginia ratifying convention's demands for a bill of rights, as
    well as a provision that was the ancestor of the Second Amendment.
    They were /two separate ideas./

        3. When James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights, he worked from
        the Virginia ratifying convention's proposals. He put the Second
        Amendment in. /He omitted the separate clause/ about States
        arming the militia.

        4. When the Bill of Rights came up in the First Senate, Virginia
        senators moved to put the militia-arming clause back in. The
        first Senate /voted the idea down./

    Yes, there were Framers concerned about having States able to arm
    their militias. But they weren't calling for the Second Amendment,
    but for a different provision. And they lost.

    Did the dissenting Justices either (1) not read the Heller-side
    briefs or (2) were willing to take this position in spite of its
    having been proven utterly ahistoric?

    Justice Breyer's dissent focuses, not upon the meaning of the
    Amendment, but upon whether D.C.'s handgun ban is "reasonable
    regulation." It likewise contains a critical error.

    Breyer argues that the main purpose of the Amendment is to ensure
    military preparedness, and the D.C. law does not much impair this:
    "the only weapons that cannot be registered are sawed-off shotguns,
    machine guns, short barreled rifles, and pistols not registered
    before 1976."

    Breyer did not closely read the law he defends: D.C. defines any
    semiautomatic rifle that can take a magazine holding more than 12
    rounds (which is almost all of them) as a forbidden "machine gun."
    Its residents are thus forbidden to own and practice with the
    semiautomatic version of any American military rifle made in the
    last half-century.

    Both dissents are not merely mistaken, but (if I may be blunt)
    shoddy. Prior decisions and statutes seem to have been skimmed
    rather than researched. Historical theories that were clearly
    disproven are invoked as fact. The logical conclusion is that the
    dissenters cared not so much about constitutional law as about
    policy, and what they find good policy simply had to be constitutional.

    And they came within one vote....


    David T. Hardy is a Tucson AZ attorney specializing in
    constitutional law. He directed the documentary "In Search of the
    Second Amendment" ( and filed an
    amicus brief in Heller.


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