This COM business has caught me off guard so let me be the first to admit that 
I don't know much about it.

But if there's no Linux support for COM it would be dead on arrival as far as I 
would be concerned.  

(My contact looking to get out of Delphi is also looking for a way to dump 

Despite it's rich heritage and seemingly elegant design, it seems that the only 
platforms actively supporting COM belong to Microsoft.  

Google can turn up information on COM but you have to know what you're looking 
for.  That alone would indicate to me that caution should be exercised when 
barking up the COM tree.

Nonetheless, this seems to indicate that interoperability is possible.

On Aug 11, 2014, at 11:26 AM, Tony Whyman wrote:

> Before this goes much further, can someone confirm that COM is
> compatible with Linux. I was always under the impression that it was a
> Windows only technology. Googling the subject does not come up anything
> other than DCOM and a lot of negative comments on COM.
>> COM is full of problems:
>> - UTF16
>> - HRESULT with TLS access to errors
>> - No real OOP, just object composing with QueryInterface
>> - Ref. counting for all sorts of objects

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