On 11/08/2014 11:18, Jim Starkey wrote:
> Since plugins pretty much need to be compiled with the same compiler as the 
> engine,


>  and since both COM objects and their clients will be compiled from the 
> machine generated interface defintion headers, there is no danger of 
> incompatibilities even if there are compilers incompatible with standard IDL 
> compilers, which I seriously doubt.

So, nobody should rely on undefined behavior, i.e., COM components must
also manually generate vtables to be OK, specially if you're
implementing "non-Windows COM" (something which does not exist).

> You are arguing that a 25 year old industry standard, widely adopted 
> technology is unsafe but a crude, home-brew quasi-OO interface is not.  I 
> don't find your position convincing.
> Why don't you just say that you don't like COM because it wasn't invented 
> here?
> The UTF-8 issue must be dealt with, certainly.  I am in a part of the world 
> without practical web access and will soon be out of even email.  But when I 
> get back to civilization and bandwidth, I will be happy to brush up on the 
> latest.
> So far, the arguments I've heard against COM are mostly failures of 
> understanding, not COM deficiencies.  Oh, there is the argument that Firebird 
> developers aren't good enough to handle immutable interfaces.  That I reject 
> out of hand.  Hundreds of thousands of developers have learned to cope with 
> stable interfaces.  Probably more.
COM is full of problems:
- UTF16
- HRESULT with TLS access to errors
- No real OOP, just object composing with QueryInterface
- Ref. counting for all sorts of objects


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