> -----Original Message-----
> From: Helen Borrie [mailto:hele...@tpg.com.au] 
> Sent: MiƩrcoles, 07 de Octubre de 2015 0:45
> I wonder who is the "user" to which Windows is denying access 
> everywhere except within Firebird's own root structure.  On 
> my system, I am user 'helen', which is an administrator.  I 
> seem to recall from some ancient discussion that the Firebird 
> service runs under user 'localsystem'.  I don't know how that 
> applies to Fb 2.5, though.

I forgot that most people run FB as a service. :-)

For what I understand the config should read
DatabaseAccess = Restrict h:\externalfiles

Can you have a peek at the permissions for that directory? Is SYSTEM listed
among the authorized users? I would be bold and use
SYSTEM -> Full Access


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