At 08:45 p.m. 7/10/2015, Helen Borrie wrote:

>>For what I understand the config should read
>>DatabaseAccess = Restrict h:\externalfiles


>As to the format - copy/pasting from firebird.conf:
>"# ----------------------------
># External File Paths/Directories
># ExternalFileAccess may be None, Full or Restrict. If you choose
># Restrict, provide ';'-separated trees list, where external files
># are stored. Relative paths are treated relative to RootDirectory entry
># (see above). Default value 'None' disables any use of external files
># on your site. To specify access to specific trees, enum all required
># paths (for Win32 this may be something like 'C:\ExternalTables',
># for unix - '/db/extern;/mnt/extern').
>Hence the single-quotes.  And here is the current configuration, which works:
>ExternalFileAccess = Restrict 'ExternalFiles';

OK, so now I changed this to:

ExternalFileAccess = Restrict h:\databases\externalfiles;

-- and it works.

IOW, in Fb 2.5, you can't use the single-quoting UNLESS you are setting a 
directory in Firebird's root.  I won't document this as a rule yet as it seems 
like a bug (doesn't work as documented;  inconsistency).

Does anyone have a 2.5.4 on Linux nearby, to test this:

ExternalFileAccess = Restrict /whatever/externalfiles

-- create external table

recreate table ext_log external file '/whatever/log_me.txt' 
  (stamp char(24), message char(100),  CRLF char(2));
-- trigger to autofill some fields
recreate trigger bi_ext_log for ext_log
active before insert
 if (new.stamp is null) then
  new.stamp = cast (current_timestamp as char(24));
  new.crlf = ascii_char(13) || ascii_char(10);
-- take out the ascii_char(13) || if you want to
--insert some data
insert into ext_log (message) values('Shall I compare thee to a summer''s day? 
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.')
insert into ext_log (message) values('Rough winds do shake the darling buds of 
May And summer''s lease hath all too short a date.')

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