On 23-5-2018 11:24, Vlad Khorsun via Firebird-devel wrote:
18.05.2018 19:44, Vlad Khorsun via Firebird-devel wrote:

   I going to merge into master implementation of pool of external connections. The feature was initially developed more than a year ago, and works at production
with good feedback.

   According to discussion in this topic i made following changes:

- New system privilege MODIFY_EXT_CONN_POOL to manage pool properties (instead of
initiallly used 'ALTER DATABASE' user right).

- New session management statement ALTER SESSION RESET is implemented (see CORE-5832).   Ticket is not marked as closed for a while as i want to make sure implementation
   is complete. Thus any suggestions, notes, etc are welcome.

As I said in another mail, I think the RDB$GET/SET_CONTEXT USER_SESSION should also be cleared.

I also noticed that you unconditionally reset the statement idleTimeout and statementTimeout to 0. Does this mean there is no DPB property to set a connection-wide config for these options? Will setting it to 0 ignore the default config, or will it apply the default config?

   I still have some questions to agree (or not):

- Should connections pool always use ALTER SESSION RESET when connection become idle ?   At first looks - yes, it should. It allows to make (almost) no difference for user   code with non-pooled connections. But from practical POV i have some doubts and want
   to discuss it here:
  - pre v4 Firebird versions have no such statement and it will fail (of course
     connections pool should handle it correctly)
  - it adds at least one additional network roundtrip which could be unnecessary if     user code doesn't alter session and not uses GTT ON COMMIT PRESERVE on remote side.     For some applications it could add too much performance penalty for nothing

I think it should unconditionally do a session reset on return to the pool if the protocol is v16 or higher (assuming v16 is the Firebird 4 protocol version). You might want to consider if it can be executed asynchronously (eg execute on check-in, read response on check-out, decide if error response invalidates connection or not?).

I don't think the pool-side should conditionally reset the session, because 1) it becomes complex fast to check if session reset should apply or not and 2) will disallow independent evolution of what is reset or not, nor would it be possible do additional reset in the ON RESET trigger proposed below.

- At tracker there was proposition to add new database trigger ON RESET which should
   fire when ALTER SESSION RESET is run. Should we implement it ?

I suggest to call it ON SESSION RESET (or ON SESSION_RESET) instead of ON RESET.

- If i missed something else - please tell me.

   Please, read and comment:


   It was updated according to suggestions in this topic.

I see a number of typos, but maybe I'll propose a pull request for those if I can find the time.

Mark Rotteveel

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