On 1/10/19 5:48 PM, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
10.01.2019 15:35, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
That's the worst thing that could happen when testing. If we want to support Centos 7 (latest stable Centos release) we will have to use dinosaur gcc4 i.e. same version we use to build FB3.

  How about using --static-libstdc++?

That should work sooner of all - but statically adds libstdc content to any (even small) plugin. On the other binaries size is not what we should care too much now. Smallest plugin (SRP users manager) was
*libSrp.so                                              212112
*libSrp.so                                              285912
IMHO not critical.

I've publised updated package with following changes:
- solved libatomic problem
- used -static-libstdc++

Test it's install is once again highly welcome.

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