On 2019-02-18 09:48, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
Guys, you are mixing DPB & SPB. In crazy designed SPB one really can't
use unknown for server items - server does not know how to skip
unknown iten and proceed to next. DPB (both v1 & v2) has absolutely
regular structure, one can safely add new items to it, old server can
and will skip them.

Ok, good to know (although I'll probably forget again).

That does not mean that I like an idea of duplicating session tuning
in DPB cause I do not see good reasons for it. Start session and issue
startup sequence of SQL statements.

I want to be able to call ALTER SESSION RESET in a way that it will reset the session as I configured it on attach (including bind config). The difference is that I assume things set through DPB to survive a ALTER SESSION RESET, while I would assume things set using SET xxx (eg SET TIME ZONE BIND) to be reset to the defaults (or DPB configured values). I may be wrong, but that would mean that ALTER SESSION RESET needs to be documented in a lot more detail than it is right now.

Not being able to set an initial session config that will define the state after a session reset is I think a dangerous thing (or at least, something that may lead to confusion and vague bug reports).


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