On 13/06/2019 11:02, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> Even a different external representation would need to work as input
> data when sending data from client to server.
> So as I said, a data that have dummy fields when using from
> client->server I'm totally against.
> A extendable server->client data that has extra properties and could
> also be used for the string problems I mentioned, I'm totally in favor.
> So one (client) could request "give-me that timestamp-tz (utc timestamp
> + region/offset) columns and additionally give-me its string
> representation or offset or whatever".
> At same time I'm totally against on removing the functions already
> present in the client that makes ICU a optional dependency only when
> they are called.
Thinking again, I may be open to remove it (subject of that last
paragraph) with proper server->client data having additional information.


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