On 06/07/2019 11:04, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> On 6-7-2019 15:14, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> On 06/07/2019 06:16, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
>>> 1. The minimal thing that can and should be done to address the problem
>>> that kicked off this email thread, is to ensure that `decodeTimestampTz`
>>> has a fallback if ICU is not available to render named zones properly
>>> (that is: render the time as UTC or +00:00 which is 1) possible with the
>>> current information available and 2) an acceptable fallback).
>> The fallback is there already: caller can detect problem and do what he
>> wants.
>> Automatically change something that may be re-entered as input and saved
>> to the DB in a different way is very problematic and should not be done.
> I don't find that acceptable. Graceful degradation in
> `decodeTimestampTz` improves the user experience for normal users of
> ISQL over having to find obscure reasons why ISQL without a ICU install
> won't work.

I would accept the thing if it purposely formats the string with a
invalid and distinguishable string, for example: GMT*


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