On 01-06-2020 16:42, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
People often complain of poor diagnostics in firebird. Well, looks like now it becomes popular to complain of too good diagnostics - just because it became a bit old. We have a special code that detects possible error case typical for the beginning of use of firebird and sends the user to the specific place in documentation that explains how to fix this. The only problem that text should be fixed a little (and may be that pages from docs be copied to another place). Replacing error message which in details explains what to do to fix a problem (how to setup firebird login when there is no SYSDBA record in security datbase) with amorphoustext (specially designed to avoid providing to malicious users any information about real firebird server state) is hardly enhancement.

And I think this error message doesn't add anything helpful and has only served to confuse people. But I feel like I'm starting to repeat myself.

Mark Rotteveel

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