The recent changes to fix the derivation of TIME WITH TIME ZONE to 2020-01-01 has weird consequences. In summer time, the value of for example CURRENT_TIME is now off by 1 hour when looking at the UTC time value.

This leads to the following confusing results:

SQL> set time zone 'Europe/Amsterdam';
SQL> select current_time at time zone 'UTC' from rdb$database;

20:08:36.0000 UTC

SQL> set time zone 'UTC';
SQL> select current_time at time zone 'UTC' from rdb$database;

19:08:45.0000 UTC

SQL> select current_time from rdb$database;

19:08:52.0000 UTC


Maybe it is better if CURRENT_TIME doesn't use the named zone, but instead always uses an offset based value.

Mark Rotteveel

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