On 5/11/21 6:41 PM, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
On 11-05-2021 17:33, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
On 5/11/21 6:24 PM, Mark Rotteveel wrote:

And I repeat: given RSA_SIGN has a HASH parameter, and applies PSS, I assume it hashes the message using the supplied (or default) hash algorithm, and then signs the resulting hash. Having to hash this yourself makes no sense to me.

It _might_ be implemented that way. And I agree that form is slightly simpler to use (though not as smart as current). You know - I'm always open to enhancements. But...  do you suggest to rework it a few days before release? When people who tried beta/rc may be ready to use existing functions (I know at least one company).

Then I propose to at least rename the function to RSA_SIGN_HASH so it 1) matches the TomCrypt function name it basically calls directly, and 2) makes clear that it doesn't sign a message, but a hash, and sort the rest out later.

Please suggest that in admin. I promise to make required changes during 24 hours after decision.

I think it's better to break things now, because after release we can never go back. If I had understood beforehand how it worked, I would have pointed this out earlier when reviewing release notes in the past years, but until now I thought it was just an odd example, and I only looked into it deeper when I started updating the Language Reference.


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