I'm investigating ways of packaging Firebird Embedded for Java, so it can be used as drop-in Java library (which is then unpacked to a temporary directory automatically).

Given Firebird complains about missing libtommath when I use the normal build, and I don't want to impose on users to install additional libraries, I tried a custom build (from current state of v4.0-release branch) with:

./autogen.sh --with-builtin-tommath --with-builtin-tomcrypt --enable-binreloc
make dist

I have a problem with libtommath in this build:

gen/buildroot/usr/local/firebird/lib contains libtomcrypt.so.1.0.1 (and symlinks libtomcrypt.so and libtomcrypt.so.1), but no libtommath files, these are in a .tm subdirectory of lib, so


I would have expected these files directly in gen/buildroot/usr/local/firebird/lib/, not in gen/buildroot/usr/local/firebird/lib/.tm/. Trying to load embedded this way complains about missing libtommath.

Copying those files/symlinks from .tm to the parent directory allows embedded to be loaded.

What is wrong here? Did I miss a configuration option somewhere? Is this a bug in the build?

Mark Rotteveel

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