|I have some questions for people using/testing v2.0 to answer, if
|possible, when having a little amount of free time :)
|1. Do you know of any ADO.NET 2.0 feature that is missing in the provider=
I have no idea about new features but I would like to have posibility to
extract metadata to script file.
|2. Are you having any error that is not fixed yet ??
I could not made sweep to work on FB2.0, maybe is from may configuration.
|3. Are you having performance problems ??
Connecting on Linux is little slower than windows, but i think this is from
OS not from provider.
|4. Are you using the DDEX provider to integrate it into Visual Studio
|2005 ??
|5. If you are using provider integration into Visual Studio 2005,
|  are you having problems with it ??
No problems for now!
|6. If you are using provider integration into Visual Studio 2005,
|  Are you using it with the new .NET Data Components
|  ( BindingSource,  BindingNavigator, ... ) ??
|7. Are you using the old Design-Time features ( for FbConnection,
|FbCommand and FbDataAdapter        components ) ?? ( i 'm thinking on
|remove that design time support in future releases of the      v2.X)
Yes, in most app.

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