Mon, 11 May 2009 17:46:31 +0300, Jiri Cincura <>:

> 2009/5/11 Ivan Arabadzhiev <>:
>> well ... pretty much anything I could think of. From what I googled - I
>> need a (Shared | LockRead | NoWait | RecordVersion) transaction. I have
>> tried several variations (consistency, concurency, readcommited ...). It
>> is intended to read through a table of ID`s that have changed since the
>> last check, I do get the min and max id, so i don`t bother anyone adding
>> info while I read.
>> My last failure was with :
>> public const FbTransactionOptions SyncTrans =  
>> FbTransactionOptions.Shared
>> | FbTransactionOptions.LockRead | FbTransactionOptions.NoWait |
>> FbTransactionOptions.Read | FbTransactionOptions.RecVersion |
>> FbTransactionOptions.Consistency | FbTransactionOptions.NoAutoUndo;
> First, it's a FbTransactionBehavior. Second, it's wrong.
> Shared and LockRead is wrong, RecVersion needs ReadCommited. So you
> end up with something like this FbTransactionBehavior.NoWait |
> FbTransactionBehavior.Read | FbTransactionBehavior.RecVersion |
> FbTransactionBehavior.ReadCommitted |
> FbTransactionBehavior.NoAutoUndo, but hard to guess whether it's what
> you need/want.

Thanks a lot :) I think this will be  major improvement to what the  
application does (too many readonly transactions are currently in  
isolationlevel snapshop/readcommited with write access).
Though I do insist on "fbTransactionoptions". I don`t see "behaviour"  
anywehere (wasntme) but the lib I got was from a fellow developer on this  
list (it might me a few sources older). I did bother to check the values  
are accurate.

Probably my main problem was that "assumption is the mother of all  
f...@#ups" because I read
a few times and it keeps saying "Shared Concurrent, shared access of a  
specified table among all transactions. Used with LockRead and Lock Write  
options to establish the lock option.   4"
Or am I missing something else? Is there a proper way to specify that  
"specified table" ?

Once again - huge thanks, hope I could make it up some day ;)

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