2009/5/11 Ivan Arabadzhiev <intelru...@gmail.com>:
> Probably my main problem was that "assumption is the mother of all
> f...@#ups" because I read
> http://www.firebirdsql.org/dotnetfirebird/documentation/api/1.7/FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird.FbTransactionOptions.html

This is for version 1.7. It's way too old.

> Or am I missing something else? Is there a proper way to specify that
> "specified table" ?

I think (maybe better to ask in support list), you can do "select ...
for update with lock" and this will provide the result. But not sure,
I'm trying to avoid locks as it's a performance bottleneck.

Jiri {x2} Cincura (CTO x2develop.com)
http://blog.vyvojar.cz/jirka/ | http://www.ID3renamer.com

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