LS> Although we deploy standard server installs, there are times when
LS> we need to ensure that no external connections (ODBC) can connect
LS> to local databases while we perform database maintenance.

Can't you just put the database in "single shutdown" mode before doing
the maintenance?

PS: I'm assuming your "normal" user doesn't connect to the database as

LS> Deploy standard server installs, but also deploy embedded DLL
LS> into application folder for our maintenance tool.
LS> So, our deployment approach would be:
LS> -       stop the Firebird server
LS> -       perform the maintenance using DB tool,
LS> -       restart Firebird,
LS> Questions:
LS> -       is the above possible?
LS> -       If so, are there any gotchas that I need to be aware of?

Other apps using an embedded engine would also be able to connect to
the database during the maintenance. Not a problem if you are sure
that no such apps exists, but you know Murphy...

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