
Dne 01. 02. 19 v 8:04 Karol Bieniaszewski liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl 
[firebird-support] napsal(a):
> If you or someone can show me (and maybe others are also interested) any real 
> benefit, example, than i am more than interested in this.
> And i am not only interested in using it, but i then can offer time to 
> implement something.

You completely misunderstood the announcement. The Firebird Butler is a 
thing that we develop. It's a joined effort primarily driven by 
IBPhoenix and IBSurgeon as part of Firebird Project (these companies are 
currently the main drivers, but others are welcome) initiated by their 
internal need and in scope of mutual interests with Firebird Project 
they are part of. It's done as open source so everyone could benefit 
from our joined effort, but it's not developed for our or public 
entertainment or without business angle that makes sense for those 
involved. It's designed as it's designed because it makes sense for 
those involved, it solves (or should solve) problems they face.

So far, there is no single line of code available to public that you 
could use. Although IBPhoenix (and IBSurgeon as well) has wagons of 
various internal tools and code for many Firebird-related and other 
purposes, they are not (yet) adapted to Butler architecture. Anyway we 
have a neat pool of code and proven ideas to draw from to move forward 
quickly once the SDK(s) would be ready.

Anyone is welcome to watch what we will do (the easiest way is to 
sign-up for Butler list(s), and watch Butler web and git repositories). 
If you will see a value in what we will do, you are free to use it, or 
join our effort if you want to have an influence on where its going. 
Also, new ideas and questions are welcome at appropriate place and in 
proper form. Usual open source business.

However, at current state of affairs, it's a time for architects and 
designers who see potential in our selected approach and would like to 
participate on such thing to step in and share ideas at Butler list. 
Once first SDK would be ready, no much space would be left to introduce 
completely new ideas or designs (that one would like to try or needs) to 
see it implemented.

Once SDK(s) would be ready, anyone is welcome to play with it to see how 
it could be used for their own purposes. That same apply when first 
services we have in our plan would be provided. However, if anyone wants 
to have something we plan to do earlier or to have influence what would 
be implemented and how, the best option is to get involved in a way and 
to the extent that would suit their needs. I.e. open source business as 

> But without real introduction i will stay with REST/Windows services based on 
> Delphi.
> Thay work for me for e.g. IOT with big traffic and any problems.

You are welcome to use whatever you see fit for your purposes. But 
either REST or Widnows services are NOT good enough for IBPhoenix 
purposes (I could not speak for others).

best regards
Pavel Cisar

  • [firebi... Pavel Cisar pci...@ibphoenix.cz [firebird-support]
    • OD... Karol Bieniaszewski liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
      • ... 'pcisar' pci...@ibphoenix.cz [firebird-support]
        • ... blackfalconsoftw...@outlook.com [firebird-support]
          • ... blackfalconsoftw...@outlook.com [firebird-support]
            • ... Pavel Cisar pci...@ibphoenix.cz [firebird-support]
          • ... Karol Bieniaszewski liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
            • ... Pavel Cisar pci...@ibphoenix.cz [firebird-support]
              • ... Karol Bieniaszewski liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
                • ... Pavel Cisar pci...@ibphoenix.cz [firebird-support]
                • ... Karol Bieniaszewski liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl [firebird-support]
          • ... Pavel Cisar pci...@ibphoenix.cz [firebird-support]

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