Dear FIS colleagues,

Many thanks to Mark for his elegant and stimulating kickoff--which has
already achieved quite a few thought-provoking comments. Accumulation of
work has precluded me an earlier participation.

My brief point concerns the role of Shannon's theory and the unifying
advancements suggested. Should we think that the disciplinary
development of info science will hinge on success in that enlargement of
the theory? I doubt. The major sciences have been quite diverse and
idiosyncratic in their own processes of advancement; there is no single
orthodox model to follow (I mean, in the style of mechanics,
electromagnetism, quantum theory, evolutionary theory, neuron doctrine...).

Assuming with Krassimir that the proposed formal scheme is a very
valuable one, my contention is that it is somehow failing to delineate
the "informational way of thinking". Igor Gurevitch made months ago an
excellent posting in this list about the central concerns of information
physics (unfortunately, many great postings are left undiscussed).
Krassimir has also presented tentative new ways of thinking, including
knowledge and intelligence concepts and some other rhetorical auxiliary
tools. Indeed the new impetus after Beijing (and Yixin's recent session)
has been the info connection with knowledge and intelligence.

The point I have often made (without great success!) is that genuine
"informational entities" are those that selfproduce --so, autopoiesis
with nuances-- amidst a dense conglomerate of inner "accounting"
processes which are performed in continuous communication with the
environment. Up to now, this is reserved to Life, in its very different
organization realms (and comprising institutions and societies at
large). Coincidentally the de-materialized physics of today, quantum
info science, and info-based cosmologies, might dovetail with central
aspects of that view. Then it makes sense talking about an
"informational perspective", which may already be used, and applied into
a number of phenomena by means of quite many different analytical tools,
info theory included. But unfortunately at the time being it cannot
aspire to the conceptual consistency, clarity of analysis/formal rigor,
and empirical extension we associate with science. Without the new
thinking we all will continue to live in our own info cottages (or
attempting the one thousand and one definition of information).

In legal the realm, "preambles" of laws are quite important, tantamount
of even more than the formal regulations that develop the laws
themselves. Thus, as some parties have already done, there is a lot of
stuff to discuss in Mark's preamble. Not to speak about the final



> On the one hand, information is the basic phenomenon of our world. We 
> live in the world where information is everywhere. All knowledge is 
> possible only because we receive, collect and produce information. 
> People discovered existence of information and now talk of information 
> is everywhere in our society. As Barwise and Seligman write (1997), in 
> recent years, information became all the rage. The reason is that 
> people are immersed in information, they cannot live without 
> information and they are information systems themselves. The whole 
> life is based on information processes as Loewenstein convincingly 
> demonstrates in his book (1999). Information has become a key concept 
> in sociology, political science, and the economics of the so-called 
> information society. Thus, to better understand life, society, 
> technology and many other things, we need to know what information is 
> and how it behaves. Debons and Horne write (1997), “if information 
> science is to be a science of information, then some clear 
> understanding of the object in question requires definition.”

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25, Pl. 11ª
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Telf: 34 976 71 3526 (& 6818) Fax: 34 976 71 5554

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