Dear Dr. Isiegas,

let me offer some proposals as to the underlying concepts that
differentiate treatment of information in the technical and in the biologic

The neuronal process is both sequential and commutative: commutative in the
sense that chemical reactions take place concurrently (not one after the
other), sequential in the sense that the burst is uniform and comes after a
number of ticks (minimal steps of a temporal nature), like a 1 coming after
x 0s, and then follow y ticks of 0 again before the next 1.

The interplay between sequenced and non-sequenced is fascinating. It
appears to this person, that there must exist a threshold after which a
qualitatively different process takes place that breaks the space-matter
continuum. I think of the same disruptive transformation as observed or
interpreted with explosions, supernovae or collapses. We see that there is
a gradual process which reaches a limit, after which the process cannot
exist, and even the implications of the process become logically impossible.

This MIGHT (maybe, just suggesting) be related to the information content
in an expression reaching Zero, that is, the redundancy having been
eliminated. In this approach "information" and "redundancy" are two sides
of the same coin. The coin can be visualised by agreeing that the
denotation of a logical fact cannot carry any information, as it is by
definition a part of a tautological system. (If we figure out once and for
all, e.g., how the Sun digests and spits and pulls and does its manifold
effects, this naked relation among logical objects will be no news, as it
will be a part of the great tautology of a complicated multiplication
table: it will become self-evident and we shall say: of course, this cannot
function otherwise.) The scientific process, the step-by-step way until we
unclothe and discover the quintessential fact, that is information - and
this is also a redundancy. Which steps we have gone thru, which cul-de-sacs
we have visited, that is information. This we realise after we recognise
that these digressions are not that what we have been looking for.

Presently, we embellish our ideas about, say, e.g. the Sun,  and it is
information that previously, people have thought the Sun to be a God or
even the main god.

Recognising the quintessence, the skeleton of interdependences is peeling
off connotations, until that remains which is pure logic - and that cannot
be of any informational value above Zero (as it cannot be otherwise), as
Kant has pointed out.

As to the methods of how to cause a logical explosion, please contemplate
that sequences and assemblies of a contemporary nature ("mixtures") have
massive logical contradictions (see A242615) which result in
the system of additions not being correct in some cases, as there appear
either too much material or too much distance among material entities, so
there has to be a disruption. This will take place only if the succession
is in its mathematically pure form, that is, without any redundancies. This
means that within a set no duplicates are allowed.

So, the proposal of this person is to look into the process of uniquify-ing
the constituents of the assembly, because if the collection is in its ideal
state, it will blow up.

Squeezing out redundancy can only be driven up to a point, where there is
no more redundancy to be eliminated. In this moment, basic contradictions
appear and result in a breakdown of the continuity. That Nature has managed
to restart after a mini-catastrophe, even to make use of this planned
breakdown as a signal is what is for me the information in our search for
the mechanism that is neuro-information. The usage of a lightning that is
being provoced by chemical processes.

Hope that this can be helpful.


2014-12-03 13:46 GMT+01:00 Carolina Isiegas <>:

> Dear list,
>     I have been reading during the last year all these interesting
> exchanges. Some of them terrific discussions! Given my scientific backgound
> (Molecular Neuroscience), I would like to hear your point of view on the
> topic of neuroinformation, how information "exists" within the Central
> Nervous Systems. My task was experimental; I was interested in
> investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying learning and memory,
> specifically, the role of the cAMP-PKA-CREB signaling pathway in such brain
> functions (In Ted AbelĀ“s Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, where I
> spent 7 years). I generated several genetically modified mice in which I
> could regulate the expression of this pathway in specific brain regions and
> in which I studied the effects of upregulation or downregulation at the
> synaptic and behavioral levels. However, I am conscious that the
> "information flow" within the mouse Nervous System is far more complex that
> in the "simple" pathway that I was, my concrete question for
> you "Fishers" or "Fisers", how should we contemplate the micro and macro
> structures of information within the neural realm? what is Neuroinformation?
> Best wishes,
> --
> Carolina Isiegas
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